



Born and grown up in a bilingual Romanian-Russian environment, I am a graduate in English and French Language and Literature of the State University of Moldova, holding a master degree in Germanic Philology with Specialization in Translation.

State University of Moldova

2004 – 2008

My language carrier started in 2004 with a five-year experience of university lecturing, where I had been teaching English to philology students.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2008 – 2009

The employment at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, where a considerable part of my diplomatic activity comprised translation tasks and interpretation for high-level officials, has laid the grounds of my translating experience.

Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to Italy, Rome

2009 – 2012

During my posting in the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the Italian Republic translating and interpreting from/into Italian, English and Romanian was part of my daily working responsibilities.

Translator and Interpreter

since 2013

After having moved to Munich in 2013, my professional activity is exclusively focused on translation and interpreting services.

Translation – the key to being informed and making yourself heard in the globalized world


I will be glad to offer you my translation and interpretation services from and into the following languages



The Romanian language is my mother tongue and the language I have been professionally using for interpretation and translation services for more than ten years. It was the Latin origin of Romanian that has drawn my attention to other two Romance languages, French and Italian, which I decided and had the privilege to embrace.




After having moved to Munich in 2013, the German language started gaining more and more field in my activity. My services currently connected to this language comprise fully-fledged translation and interpretation from German into other languages, as well as medium complexity translation and interpretation into German.




English was my main specialization language during the university studies and the focus language of my master research, as well as the subject I had been teaching for five years at the State University of Moldova, before starting to intensively use it for translation purposes. My philological formation offered me an insight into the history, culture and life-style of the English speaking countries, which has always proved its usefulness during the translation and interpretation practice.




As a Romance language, Italian has very close linguistic affinities with Romanian, my mother tongue. Moreover, the historical tangencies between the two nations have conditioned a significant proximity in culture and traditions. Having worked and lived for an extended period in Rome, I had the opportunity to immerse into authentic cultural-behavioural experiences and to acquire a good grasp of the language, rooted in the cultural, moral and socio-political substrate.




I received my formation in French during six years of school study, reinforced by five years of university, where French was my second specialization language. The common Romance roots of Romanian and French have said their word here, like in the case of the Italian language. The vast literary background accumulated during the years of study has served as a solid base for properly anchoring the translated or interpreted material into the required context.




As a native of the Republic of Moldova – an ex-soviet state, where the Russian language has been used as a co-official language, I have grown up in a bilingual environment, first acquiring Russian as a child and later on refining it in the school. Bilingualism helped me to develop the habitude of transferring messages and culturally bound elements between languages and contributed to further developing my penchant for languages.


Language combinations

Romanian → Russian
Romanian → English
Romanian → Italian
Romanian → German
Romanian → French

German → Romanian
German → Russian
German → English
German → Italian
German → French

English → Romanian
English → Russian
English → Italian
English → German
English → French

Italian → Romanian
Italian → Russian
Italian → English
Italian → German
Italian → French

French → Romanian
French → Russian
French → English
French → Italian
French → German

Russian → Romanian
Russian → English
Russian → Italian
Russian → German
Russian → French

Romanian → Russian
Romanian → English

German → Romanian
German → Russian
German → English

English → Romanian
English → Russian

Italian → Romanian
Italian → Russian
Italian → English

French → Romanian
French → Russian
French → English

Russian → Romanian
Russian → English

Italian → Romanian
Italian → Russian
Italian → English
Italian → German

French → Romanian
French → Russian
French → English
French → Italian
French → German

Russian → Romanian
Russian → English
Russian → Italian
Russian → German

Romanian → Russian
Romanian → English
Romanian → Italian
Romanian → German

German → Romanian
German → Russian
German → English
German → Italian

English → Romanian
English → Russian
English → Italian
English → German








A brief overview of the services I offer, accompanied by some examples of my accomplished projects

Specialised technical translation

Politics and international relations

Business and management

Marketing and public relations

Culture, humanities and the arts

History and heritage preservation

Travel and tourism

Education and research

Human resources and sociology

Media and journalism

Government statements, speeches, press releases, agreements, treaties, reports, minutes, key points, e-mails and correspondence, advertisements, press releases, company presentations, product catalogues, information and promotional material, leaflets, labels, travel guides, articles, reviews, brochures, flyers, CV’s, motivation letters, job application documents, manuals and training course materials, research papers, surveys and polls, questionnaires, interviews, thematic documentaries etc.

Creative translation

Cinematic productions

Television productions

Advertising video productions

Museum and exhibition materials

Subtitles, film trailers, artistic films, cartoons, advertisements, exhibition materials, exhibition catalogues, artist profiles, stands, brochures and leaflets, museum labels, section labels, painting and object labels etc.


Translations of audio and video productions are tightly respecting the time sequences and size of the original. Printed advertising materials, where design and layout impose strict text amount limits, are translated to maximally correspond to the dimensions of the original.

Website translation and localization


Software interfaces

Desktop, mobile and web apps

Website and web content translation and localization are first and foremost associated with extremely rigid text amount limits, imposed by the layout and design of the web products. Сontents are translated maximally balancing meaning and form and paying special attention to the peculiarities of the target culture, so that the translated and localized web products preserve their original accessibility and user-friendliness.

Proofreading and collation

Politics and international relations

Business and management

Marketing and public relations

Culture, humanities and the arts

History and heritage preservation

Travel and tourism

Education and research

Human resources and sociology

Media and journalism

Collation and proofreading of translated texts are performed with great attention to detail. The main focus is set upon the check-up of the orthography, grammar and style correspondence between the source and the target text. The original formatting of the text is preserved intact.



Chuchotage (whispered)


Summits, conferences, negotiations, official meetings, press conferences, receptions, award ceremonies, exhibitions, speeches, presentations, sightseeing tours, wedding preparations process (visits to bridal salons, hairstylists, make-up artists, confectioneries) etc.


Cinematic productions

Television productions

Radio productions

I would gladly lend my voice for the dubbing of various audio and video materials, in particular cinematic, television and radio productions. A voice sample for every language I speak can be found in the section Languages.


Institutions and companies I had the privilege of offering my services to

  • Presidency of the Republic of Moldova
  • Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova
  • Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child of the Republic of Moldova
  • Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova
  • State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova

  • Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova
  • Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova
  • Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the Italian Republic
  • Ministry of Health of the Italian Republic
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policies of the Italian Republic
  • Danfoss Group
  • Cricova Winery
  • White and light photography

Ceremony of presentation of Credential Letters to the President of the Italian Republic, H.E. Mr Giorgio Napolitano, by the Ambassador Agréé of the Republic of Moldova to the Italian Republic, H.E. Mr Aurel Băieșu. Rome, the Italian Republic


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ Italian

Meeting of the Acting President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Mihai Ghimpu, with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Rome, the Italian Republic


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ Italian

Meeting of the Acting President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Mihai Ghimpu, with the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, H.E. Mr Kanayo F. Nwanze. Rome, the Italian Republic


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

Presidential reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova, interpreting for the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, and the First Lady, Mrs Taisia Voronin. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Whispered (chuchotage) interpretation, Romanian ↔ English, Russian ↔ English

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, with the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, H.E. Mr Javier Solana. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

Reception in honour of the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Republic of Moldova and the participants of the SEECP summit. Interpreting for the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, and the First Lady, Mrs Taisia Voronin. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Whispered (chuchotage) interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, with the Ambassadors of the EU member states accredited to the Republic of Moldova, as well as the Heads of Missions of the European Commission, Council of Europe, OSCE, USA and Turkey to the Republic of Moldova. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

Ceremony of presentation of Credential Letters to the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, by the Agréé Ambassadors of Australia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Georgia, Ireland, the Italian Republic, Japan and the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of Moldova. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, H.E. Mr Radosław Sikorski. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

Ceremony of presentation of Credential Letters to the President of the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Mr Vladimir Voronin, by the newly appointed Apostolic Nuncio and the Agréé Ambassadors of Afghanistan, Hungary, India, Jordan, Mexico, Montenegro, Oman, the Slovak Republic, the South African Republic and Turkey to the Republic of Moldova. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


Consecutive interpretation, Romanian ↔ English

15th Summit of the Heads of State of the Central European countries, interpreting for the First Lady of the Republic of Moldova, Mrs Taisia Voronin. Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


Consecutive interpretation, Russian ↔ English


Standard prices and useful information for placing your order

General, non-specialized texts, private and business correspondence – 1,15 Euro (+19% VAT) per line
Specialized texts – 1,35 Euro (+19% VAT) per line
Creative and artistic texts – 1,45 Euro (+19% VAT) per line
Web sites and content – please request a non-binding offer


The prices are indicated per standard line of the source text (55 characters including spaces).


An extra charge of 40% is applied to urgent orders.

Proofreading – 0,25 Euro (+19% VAT) per line
Collation and proofreading of translated texts – 0,30 Euro (+19% VAT) per line

Consecutive – from 60 Euro (+19% VAT) per hour
Chuchotage (whispered) – from 60 Euro (+19% VAT) per hour
Accompanying – from 70 Euro (+19% VAT) per hour


The prices may vary depending on the field of specialization and the respective degree of difficulty.

I will gladly send you an individual non-binding offer upon request.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the terms “source language” and “target language” mean?

The source language is the language in which the text you intend to translate is written. The target language is the language into which the text has to be translated.

What is a standard line in translation?

The standard line consists of 55 characters including spaces.

How can one easily count the number of lines in a text?

1. Open the text in Microsoft Word > click File > choose Properties > select Statistic > Characters including spaces
2. Divide the number by 55

In what format should the text be provided for translation?

Normally texts are provided in electronic format: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint etc. Printed or scanned versions are also accepted, provided that they be easily legible.

In what form will the translated/proofread document be delivered?

The finalized document can be delivered by e-mail or in hardcopy, either per post or for self-collection. Electronic documents are usually delivered in the same file type as the original, preserving the initial formatting.

What are the terms of delivery for translated/proofread documents?

Translations – the usual delivery terms are of 1-2 working days per 2000 source words. The terms may however vary depending on how urgently the translated text is needed. Proofreading and collation – delivery terms for 5000 source words fit into 1-2 working days.

What methods of payment are accepted?

Private customers can pay cash, by bank transfer or PayPal. Registered companies will be issued an invoice upon order completion, which can be paid cash or by bank transfer.

Are there charges for cancelling translation assignments?

Charges will be applied for any translation work finalised until the moment of cancellation.

What are the confidentiality terms for the translated materials?

All the documents and personal information of the clients will be handled with utmost confidentiality. Upon request, an additional confidentiality agreement can be signed before the submission of files for translation.

What information do you need from the client for an interpreting task?

First and foremost – the complete address of the venue, the date and exact time when interpreting should start and its approximately evaluated duration. The theme of the event, as well as the goals of the client, are of equal importance. Any available materials regarding the subjects to be discussed (presentations, speeches, slides etc.) are of utmost helpfulness.


It will be my pleasure to promptly provide answers to any of your questions

Contact Form


Looking forward to your message

For requesting a non-binding offer, as well as for any other enquiries regarding my services, please do not hesitate to contact me by filling in the form below. Your request will be addressed with the utmost attention and expediency.

    Size limit – 10 MB

    By using this form you agree that your data may be used exclusively for communicating with you.

    Imprint and contact details


    Postal address

    Victoria Chitii
    24, Am Isarkanal str.
    81379 Munich


    Landline phone

    +49 89 57087183


    Mobile phone, Viber, WhatsApp

    +49 176 64700124






    VAT identification number




    All the texts photographs and graphic representations of the present website are protected by copyright law. Any further reproduction or use is prohibited without prior consent.



    The contents of the present website were compiled with the greatest care. In spite of the thorough content control, I do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The contents of the linked websites are exclusively within the responsibility of their providers.



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